My bird died. I wanted to bury it. It wasn’t my bird, to be fair, and it was a suicidal bird, nonetheless that ended up dying in my home. It’s strange how human beings find the most insignificant of things and decide to label them as their own. An extension of their own fragmented identity, […]
The Last Sip of Sehri

The Last Sip of Sehri Flashback to the 90s – It was a custom in our particular household that I happen to recall as I type this. Each Ramzan every morning, during ‘Sehri’ times, there was a custom we followed. Sehri or Suhoor is the time before dawn when you stock up on whatever you […]
- Let me speak
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Of Tall Tales And My Grandfather

My earliest memory of my grandfather is when I was 4 years old. My mom had given me a bath and I ran away to dry off into my grandfather’s well lit room. Since, I was apparently in my birthday suit, he was shocked, all six feet of him, but I was in the mood […]
Summing Up April 2017

Let’s get straight to the point. They say what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. I disagree. What doesn’t kill you makes you realize you’re lucky so might as well not screw the second chance you have at life or whatever it is that you’re doing in Life – up. What 2016 was to […]
Eavesdropping – A Solo Traveler’s Connection

Monday, March 6th, 2017 Endearing or creepy? You decide! Here’s what happened today. After, apparently, what was a terribly depressing weekend of epic proportions, I went to work today. On the way home, I met this friend of mine, an adorable guy, who wanted some of my time and just talk to me over a […]
- Let me speak
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How to deal with a Narcissist you live with?

The worst of the repeat domestic offenders are the Narcissists. If you ever encounter one or worse live with one, turn around run or alternately, move out right away. Who is a Narcissist? According to Wikipedia, Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s own attributes. The term originated from […]
- Let me speak
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A Plea To All Men From A Woman – Relived on International Women’s Day

Monday, April 11, 2016, 00:00 AM It’s just turned midnight of April 11th, and I am typing this out in a facebook status, ‘Why do you ask?’ Simply because I need to put this out there – to whom? To all the men I know, I will know and the ones I have known. An […]
The Bird’s Funeral

Tuesday, February 28 I was commuting to work today on my old and dejected scooter. It has borne more disappointments than I have in my entire life. Anyway, the commute to my workplace includes a 15-20 minutes drive through a short-cut that’s a little narrow and experiences quick yet infrequent traffic. Right after I took […]
Love Actually – 4 Parameters of Understanding What It Means

What Love Actually Means – An attempt to decode what no one has yet decoded … except of course the Corinthians in the Bible perhaps but those are just characteristics of what Love should be like and not what it actually is …
Labourless love lost

Tuesday, July 1, 2008 Life is strange you fall in love where you least expect. You then do things you least expect and shock or rather amaze yourself with your potential. But most loves don’t reach the intended destination not at least here. The more you get to know a person the more you love […]