My earliest memory of my grandfather is when I was 4 years old. My mom had given me a bath and I ran away to dry off into my grandfather’s well lit room. Since, I was apparently in my birthday suit, he was shocked, all six feet of him, but I was in the mood […]
Let me speak
How to Judge People?

Ever since the inception of the world wide web and easily accessible communication, the world caught up on the wave of sharing information. The age of information sharing brought along with it several good things, exchange of ideas happened – some things were exported while some were imported – not all was good. Of these not […]
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How to deal with a Narcissist you live with?

The worst of the repeat domestic offenders are the Narcissists. If you ever encounter one or worse live with one, turn around run or alternately, move out right away. Who is a Narcissist? According to Wikipedia, Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s own attributes. The term originated from […]
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A Plea To All Men From A Woman – Relived on International Women’s Day

Monday, April 11, 2016, 00:00 AM It’s just turned midnight of April 11th, and I am typing this out in a facebook status, ‘Why do you ask?’ Simply because I need to put this out there – to whom? To all the men I know, I will know and the ones I have known. An […]
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Pandora, thou art cruel to Poor Benjamin!

My world is my own to comprehend. I may let you in, most reluctantly; however, it wouldn’t make sense to you. You wouldn’t be able to comprehend things by the rules you and yours have made and the way you see the world. My world is inside me. It would be difficult for you to […]
- Let me speak
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Secondary Citizen: The Art Of Being A Runner Up On Your Own Turf
What’s been happening lately? Nothing personally, but quite a lot everywhere else. The sum total of my experiences at this point of time is zero; however, when you add what’s been happening around the world and how we relate to it, it’s a relatively staggering higher percentage. Nearly 12.7 percent of the total world’s population […]
Why you can’t feel like a raped woman India?

Many blog posts begin with this statement – it’s been long since I posted something on this blog. It is a justification, more so an apology to oneself and perhaps to whatever the few readers humble, forsaken and forgotten blogs like mine have. It was an accident that I stumbled across this blog today when […]